sexta-feira, julho 18, 2008
sexta-feira, julho 11, 2008
sexta-feira, junho 27, 2008
Tem cão ou não?
«É evidente que aqueles psicanalistas que se pretendiam os freudianos mais fiéis se limitaram durante muito tempo ao estudo e ao tratamento dos «neuróticos». Mas também será que, sob este vocábulo, eles descreviam ou tratavam por vezes algo bem diferente das estruturas autenticamente neuróticas? Contudo, parece mais aborrecido ainda pensar que a ortodoxia analítica só considerava como medida padrão sólida de «normalidade» o «capital-edipiano» ao qual o sujeito teria chegado. Manipular habilmente o Édipo tornava-se, para o sujeito e para o analista, o equivalente a uma boa operação da bolsa. Os valores sãos e seguros eram apenas edipianos.
Contudo, os possuidores do saber e do poder genital-edipiano não ignoravam as dificuldades das organizações mentais mais modestas; mas sentiam-se menos armados ou menos motivados para os remediarem, na medida em que os «normais» (isto é, os «recuperáveis») só estavam para eles entre os edipianos («de sangue», ou arrependidos).
As reacções perante tais abusos (e tal falta de prudência) não se fizeram esperar: um primeiro lote de contestatários contentou-se em aproveitar contributos socioculturais que facilitaram a imitação; foram os «chegados» a um pseudo-estatuto genital os que simplesmente se vestiram à moda edipiana, os anaclíticos do «como se»... Os aristocratas do Édipo nem sempre pressentiram a armadilha, o «casamento desigual». A falsa genitalização edipiana era muitas vezes vivida apenas como uma homenagem prestada à raça dos eleitos do Édipo. De ambos os lados a cumplicidade estabeleceu-se na base de uma ordem tranquilizante e essencial a manter: o primado do Édipo não era contestável como critério de «normalidade». Os depressivos já não representavam problemas sérios para G. Deleuze e F. Guattari (1972), nem para os freudianos «integristas». Os carneiros nunca inquietaram os pastores.
Mas tínhamos esquecido um segundo lote de «desviantes» em relação a esta nova burguesia edipiana da segunda geração freudiana: as estruturas psicóticas e as organizações perversas. Os segundos, que recusam fortemente o seu vínculo aos verdadeiros valores edipianos, e os primeiros, que são sinceros quando declaram não sentir a preeminência deste tipo de padrão afectivo triangular, e se encontram perfeitamente à altura para dispensar o seu aspecto relacional particular, que os «girondinos» do Édipo declaram obrigatório para aceder à «normalidade».»
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Labels: apontamentos, plágio
quinta-feira, junho 26, 2008
Isto faz mal à saúde. De certeza.
Never Gone
The things we did, the things we said
Keep coming back to me and make me smile again
You showed me how to face the truth
Everything that's good in me I owe to you
Though the distance that's between us
Now may seem to be too far
It will never seperate us
Deep inside I know you are
Never gone, never far
In my heart is where you are
Always close, everyday
Every step along the way
Even though for now we've gotta say goodbye
I know you will be forever in my life
Never gone
I walk alone these empty streets
There is not a second you're not here with me
The love you gave, the grace you've shown
Will always give me strength and be my cornerstone
Somehow you found a way
To see the best I have in me
As long as time goes on
I swear to you that you will be
Never gone, never far
In my heart is where you are
Always close
Every step along the way
Even though for now we've gotta say goodbye
I know you will be forever in my life
Never gone from me
If there's one thing I believe
I will see you somewhere down the road again
Never gone, never far
In my heart is where you are
Always close
Every step along the way
Even though for now we've gotta say goodbye
I know you will be forever in my life
Never gone, never far
In my heart is where you are
Always close, everyday
Every step along the way
Never gone, never far
In my heart is where you are
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Labels: caixa de mensagens, plágio, poesia, vinculação
quarta-feira, maio 21, 2008
Da lingua portuguesa.
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Labels: d'oh, há dias assim
segunda-feira, maio 19, 2008
terça-feira, abril 15, 2008
quarta-feira, abril 02, 2008
Oh, m*rda!
After some time you learn the difference,
The subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul.
And you learn that love doesn't mean leaning,
And company doesn't always mean security.
And you begin to learn that kisses aren't contracts,
And presents aren't promises.
And you begin to accept your defeats,
With your head up and your eyes ahead,
With the grace of a woman, not the grief of a child.
And you learn to build all your roads on today,
Because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans,
And futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight.
After a while you learn,
That even the sun burns if you get too much,
And learn that it doesn't matter how much you do care about,
Some people simply don't care at all.
And you accept that it doesn't matter how good a person is,
She will hurt you once in a while,
And you need to forgive her for that.
You learn that talking can relieve emotional pain.
You discover that it takes several years to build a relationship based on confidence,
And just a few seconds to destroy it.
And that you can do something just in an instant,
And which you will regret for the rest of your life.
You learn that the true friendships,
Continue to grow even from miles away.
And that what matters isn't what you have in your life,
But who you have in your life.
And that good friends are the family,
Which allows us to choose.
You learn that we don't have to switch our friends,
If we understand that friends can also change.
You realize that you are your best friend,
And that you can do do anything, or nothing,
And have good moments together.
You discover that the people who you most care about in your life,
Are taken from you so quickly,
So we must always leave the people who we care about with lovely words,
It may be the last time we see them.
You learn that the circunstances and the enviroment have influence upon us,
But we are responsible for ourselves.
You start to learn that you should not compare yourself with others,
But with the best you can be.
You discover that it takes a long time to become the person you wish to be,
And that the time is short.
You learn that it doesn't matter where you have reached,
But where you are going to.
But if you don't know where you are going to,
Anywhere will do.
You learn that either you control your acts,
Or they shall control you.
And that to be flexible doesn't mean to be weak or not to have personality,
Because it doesn't matter how delicate and fragile the situation is,
There are always two sides.
You learn that heroes are those who did what was necessary to be done,
Facing the consequences.
You learn that patience demands a lot of practice.
You discover that sometimes,
The person who you most expect to be kicked by when you fall,
Is one of the few who will help you to stand up.
You learn that maturity has more to do with the kinds of experiences you had
And what you have learned from them,
Than how many birthdays you have celebrated.
You learn that there are more from you parents inside you than you thought.
You learn that we shall never tell a child that dreams are silly,
Very few things are so humiliating,
And it would be a tragedy if she belived in it.
You learn that when you are angry,
You have the right to be angry,
But this doesn't give you the right to be cruel.
You discover that only because someone doesn't love you the way you would like
her to,
It doesn't mean that this person doesn't love you the most she can,
Beacuse there are people who love us,
But just don't know how to show or live that.
You learn that sometimes it isn't enough being forgiven by someone,
Sometimes you have to learn how to forgive yourself.
You learn that with the same harshness you judge,
Some day you will be condemned.
You learn that it doesn't matter in how many pieces your heart has been broken,
The world doesn't stop for you to fix it.
You learn that time isn't something you can turn back,
Therefore you must plant your own garden and decorate your own soul,
Instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.
And you learn that you really can endure.
You really are strong .
And you can go so farther than you thougt you could go.
And that life really has a value.
And you have value within the life.
And that our gifts are betrayers,
And make us lose
The good we could conquer,
If it wasn't for the fear of trying
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Labels: poesia
quarta-feira, março 26, 2008
Andar de comboio é fixe
Não sei se só havia um e o arquipélago é de origem vulcânica, mas as erupções mais recentes terminaram há 6500 anos...
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Labels: apontamentos, hã?...